Please join us for Data, Planning, and Impact: A Joint Adult Redeploy Illinois and Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils Summit, in Bloomington May 8-10, 2018.
Hosted by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, Adult Redeploy Illinois, Loyola University’s Center for Criminal Justice Research, Policy, and Practice, and the Illinois Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health and Justice, the Summit will bring together a broad range of stakeholders from counties and judicial circuits either operating or interested in developing CJCCs and ARI-funded local prison diversion programs. Serving as both the seventh annual ARI All-Sites Summit and the second convening of CJCCs from around the state, the event will provide rich opportunities for mutual learning and foster coordinated decision-making.
All three days will provide information and training that benefit members of CJCCs and ARI teams; however, if you cannot attend all three days, please attend the days that are geared toward your program affiliation. Day 1 (Tuesday, May 8 in the afternoon) will focus on CJCC technical assistance, Day 2 (Wednesday, May 9 all day) will be combined CJCC and ARI programming, and Day 3 (Thursday, May 10 in the morning) will focus on ARI technical assistance. There will be networking events on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
Those expected to attend are a spectrum of ARI and CJCC site stakeholders including but not limited to judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, treatment providers, probation staff and supervisors, law enforcement, program coordinators, researchers, program partners, and policymakers. Summit content is structured for relevancy to a broad group of stakeholders. In addition to current ARI program representation, planning grantees are also invited and have previously benefited from talking with current sites and accessing system-wide training. The Illinois Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health and Justice will provide CEUs for LPC, LCPC, LSW, LCSW, LMFT, Psychologists, IAODAPCA, and CLEs for attorneys. CEUs will be provided for all three days.
Adult Redeploy Illinois is a state initiative providing funding and technical assistance to local jurisdictions to support the diversion of non-violent offenders from prison to more effective and less expensive community-based supervision and services.
ARI sites use grant funds to design and implement local programs that address offenders' risks and needs and leverage their assets (family support, employment) to improve public safety and offender outcomes. ARI has grown from five initial pilot sites in early 2011, to the current 22 sites implementing 45 programs covering 45 Illinois counties (as of March 2018).
Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils (CJCCs) are partnerships of decision makers who have a stake in the effective administration of justice. Typically the partnerships are organized at the county level and include representatives from:
CJCCs follow a structured, data-driven planning process to identify, analyze, solve, and manage justice system issues. This work leads to better understanding of crime and criminal justice problems, greater cooperation among agencies and units of local government, clearer objectives and priorities, more effective resource allocation, and better quality criminal justice programs and personnel. Taken together, these results can increase public confidence in and support for criminal justice processes, enhancing system performance and, ultimately, the integrity of the law.
Since its opening in 2012, the Center of Excellence has worked throughout Illinois to reduce the overrepresentation of persons with behavioral health disorders in the criminal justice system. The expertise of the Center of Excellence staff in the law and behavioral health fields has allowed it to deliver invaluable training and technical assistance to diverse stakeholders, including but not limited to problem-solving courts, law enforcement personnel, and treatment providers in all 102 counties. The Center of Excellence has also developed important working relationships both in Illinois and nationally that facilitate its ability to fulfill its mission to equip communities to appropriately respond to the needs of persons with behavioral health disorders who are involved with the criminal justice system.
The 2018 ARI-CJCC Summit will focus on the practical advantages and challenges associated with coordinating across the criminal justice system to address significant problems. The Summit will include skills-building sessions on strategic planning and implementing data-driven programs, offer grants technical assistance, and facilitate discussions among sites focused on expanding impact.
For more information, contact, Policy and Program Coordinator, Adult Redeploy Illinois.
John Maki, JD, MA, Executive Director, Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
Bryant Jackson-Green, MPPAc, Strategic Policy Advisor, Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
Marcus Hardy, BS, Executive Assistant to the Director, Illinois Department of Corrections
Hon. George W. Timberlake (Ret.), JD, MBA, Chair of the Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission
Download: What_Comes_Next.pdf
John Maki, JD, MA, Executive Director, Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
Bryant Jackson-Green, MPPAc, Strategic Policy Advisor, Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
Download: No_Low_Hanging_Fruit.pdf
Lake County Opioid Initiative
Chief Eric Guenther, MA, Chief of Police, Mundelein County
Karen Wolownik Albert, MSW, LCSW, Executive Director, Gateway Foundation’s Lake County Treatment Services
Steve Fabbri, MA, Assistant Director, 19th Judicial Circuit Court, Lake County Adult Probation Services
Download: Case_Studies_Lake_County.pdf
• Lisa Jacobs, JD, Program Manager, Loyola University Center for Criminal Justice Research, Policy, and Practice
• David Olson, PhD, Professor, Loyola University Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology; Co-director, Center for Criminal Justice Research, Policy and Practice
Download: Examining_Challenges_and_Opportunities_Emerging_Adults_Jacobs.pdf
Download: Examining_Challenges_and_Opportunities_Emerging_Adults_Olson.pdf
Download: Addressing_Opioid_Use_Disorder.pdf
Download: Procedural_Justice_in_the_Criminal_Justice_System.pdf
Download: How_Being_Trauma_Informed_Improves_Health_and_Safety.pdf
Soledad McGrath, JD, Senior Program Officer, Joyce Foundation
Marlana Dokken, BA, Regional Grants Program Manager, Region 1 Planning Council
Moderated by John Maki, JD, MA, Executive Director, Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
Download: Show_Me_the_Money.pdf
Bryant Jackson-Green, MPPAc, Strategic Policy Advisor, Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
David Olson, PhD, Professor, Loyola University Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology; Co-director, Center for Criminal Justice Research, Policy and Practice
Lindsey LaPointe, MSW, Senior Project Manager, Justice Reform, BPI
Judge Janet Holmgren, JD, 17th Judicial Circuit Court
Liz Barnhart, BA, Court Consultant to McLean County
Download: Making_the_Most_of_ARI.pdf